Instructions on the format of the application
Scientific Research
Instructions on the format of the application – Scientific Research 2025
Prepare the application by reviewing this information!
Applications are made via the DigiPlant application system. See further details on how to create an account and log in.
Applications can be made in Swedish or English (choose language when starting a new application). Some summaries must be provided in both Swedish and English, regardless of language choice. Parts of the application flow consist of fields for entering text and budget figures, while other parts require attachments to be uploaded (see Word templates for attachments).
Below is a description of the content requirements for the application, as well as the information requested in the application system. Note especially information about the need for a signature from the responsible person at the relevant institution.
Grant recipient
- Specify the university/faculty receiving the application in stage 1. Recipients can include the Faculty of Medicine or Faculty of Engineering at Lund University or Malmö University.
- Provide the name and address of the grant-receiving university, i.e., Lund University or Malmö University
Bank details for payment of any grants
- Bank/account type
- Account number
- Cost centre
Responsible at the university/faculty
The responsible person is the head of the main applicant’s department at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, as well as the the Vice Chancellor at Malmö University. This individual must approve the project application before submission (which occurs in the last step of the application process) and, upon grant approval, sign the donation letter along with the main applicant.
- Name, position, workplace, e-mail
Main applicant
Enter contact details, which will be used for all future communications by the Foundation. The main applicant must have obtained a PhD and be employed at the university during the project period.
- Swedish personal identity number/Birth date
- Name, address
- Phone, e-mail
- Year of PhD Graduation
- Position
- University/Faculty/Department
Attach the following documents (in A4 format, Arial font, size 11, single line spacing. Download Word template):
- CV of the main applicant, maximum 2 pages.
- Publication list of the applicant’s most important publications in the last 5 years. Specify through the publication database in the application system or upload an attachment.
- Bibliometrics, (e.g. ResearcherID, Scopus, Google Scholar) for main applicant.
Indicate any co-applicants:
- Swedish personal identity number/Birth date
- Name, address
- Phone, e-mail
- Year of PhD Graduation
- Position
- University/Faculty/Department
Overall project information
The application must relate to one of the project types ”Innovative research projects in life science”, ”Innovative research projects specifically in ATMP and/or cancer disease” or the application for ”Equipment in innovative research projects in life science” according to the call from the Mats Paulsson’s foundation for research, innovation and societal development
- Select project type
- Innovative research projects in life science
- Innovative research projects specifically in ATMP and/or cancer
- Equipment critical for the implementation of specific innovative research projects in life science/ specifically in ATMP and/or cancer
- Project title, in English and Swedish
- Project summary – scientific, in English and Swedish
- Project summary – popular science, in English and Swedish
Project Timeline
Specify the start and end dates, i.e., the date when the project begins and concludes. The maximum project duration is 2 years for all types of projects.
Project description
In the case of applications for ”Innovative research projects in life science” and ”Innovative research projects specifically in ATMP and/or cancer disease”:
Attach the following documents (in A4 format, Arial font, size 11, single line spacing. Download Word template):
- Project description:
- Maximum length 4 pages, numbered A4, including pictures. Reference list linked to the project plan not included in the 4 pages.
- Describe the research part of the project in terms of research questions, purpose, methods, expected results, the benefits the project can bring, the difference a grant from the Foundation would make and the timetable.
- Innovation Plan
- Maximum length 2 pages
- Elaborated plan for how the project’s innovation potential will lead to benefit creation and market development through new products/services. Indicate any patent applications and describe patent families. The Foundation cannot finance the costs of patents but considers the information to be important for the assessment of the application.
In the case of an application for ”Equipment critical for the implementation of specific innovative research projects in life science/ specifically in ATMP and/or cancer disease”:
Attach the following documents (in A4 format, Arial font, size 11, single line spacing. Download Word template):
- Project description:
- Maximum length 3 pages, A4 numbered, including pictures. Reference list linked to the project plan not included in the 3 pages.
- Describe the research project (in which the equipment will be used) in terms of research questions, purpose, methods, expected results, innovation potential, the benefits the project can bring, the difference a grant from the Foundation would make and the timetable.
- Innovation plan, needs and use of instruments,
- Maximum length 2 A4 pages
- Elaborated plan for how the project’s innovation potential will lead to benefit creation and market development through new products/services. Should describe the need for the equipment, how it will be used and the benefits it can bring. Priority will be given to equipment that can be used by several research groups in the Life Science field at the respective universities. A plan for making the equipment accessible must be included. Indicate any patent applications and describe patent families. The Foundation cannot fund patent costs but considers the information to be important in assessing the application. Equipment for which a grant is awarded is owned by the recipient university. Equipment grants are not awarded to strengthen core facilities.
Project budget
Maximum application amount per project type:
- SEK 2 million for ”Innovative research projects in life science”
- SEK 3 million for ”Innovative research projects specifically in ATMP and/or cancer disease”.
- SEK 2 million for ”Equipment critical for the implementation of specific innovative research projects in life science/ specifically in ATMP and/or cancer”.
- The Foundation does not provide funding for commercialization or patent costs.
- The Foundation allows relevant indirect costs, known as overhead costs (OH), up to 20% of the total amount requested for research projects, excluding rent for premises. No overhead charges are accepted for equipment applications.
- Local costs should not be included as part of overhead. However, the foundation considers it reasonable for rental expenses to be a direct project cost if applicable.
Specify budget items that together correspond to the project’s total budget (Total Amount (SEK)) and the amount requested (Requested amount (SEK)). Include overhead costs separately if applicable.
- Budget item – e.g. equipment, materials, labour costs, overhead
- Total amount – the total cost of the purpose
- Requested amount – amount requested from the Foundation
Additional funding
Disclose any other funders or co-financing from your institution. Check ”No other financiers” if applicable
- Financier’s name – organisation from which the grant was requested
- Grant period
- Mark ’Awaiting decision’ if the funding has not yet been granted
- Requested amount – the amount requested
- Granted amount – amount granted
Budget justifications
Provide explanations or arguments for how the budget is planned.
Additional application information
Additional application information
- Grants can be awarded to both planned and ongoing projects, but not to projects that have already been completed. For applications involving projects that have not yet started, the project start is expected to be no later than January 1, 2025.
- Principal applicants who have previously been granted funding must have completed their previous project and submitted a final report to the Foundation before submitting a new application for a new project.
- The Foundation does not grant funds for the continuation of projects that have previously been funded and completed according to plan. Principal applicants wishing to apply for additional funding need to apply for a new project that is not linked to the previous project, i.e., new research questions, new innovations, etc., all within the framework of the Foundation’s invitation.
- Granted ongoing projects have the opportunity for an extension of the project period for an additional year upon application.
- Regarding information about patents in applications: For the internal handling of applications by the institutions, the principle of transparency applies, and the Foundation cannot influence it. The Foundation’s recommendation is that applications, when they reach the Foundation in step 2, do not contain data that require confidentiality.
- It is the responsibility of each respective educational institution to ensure that the necessary ethical approvals for projects are in place at the start of the project
- The Foundation places great emphasis on collaborations between institutions/universities. Applications from Malmö University are given higher priority if the current project involves collaboration with Lund University.
- As a principle, the Foundation does not comment on individual application rejections.